Laura Lotti became a specialist in music for babies and toddlers. She works together with Stichting Memorabele Momenten, Walkaplan and Black Cat Theatre Amsterdam.
As a member of Stichting Memorabele Momenten you can see Laura Lotti in music performances at kindergarden’s and Public Library’s at Amsterdam.
Laura Lotti became the main musician @ Black Cat Theatre Amsterdam. The show “Four Seasons” is a poetic performance that tells us about the most extraordinary and magical things in the surrounding world – in nature – using dance, picture and live music. Other performances at Black Cat Theatre in which Laura performs are musical roles in “Meadow” and “Meh”.
Laura Lotti participates regularly at children theatre performances at Wonderland directed by Makiko Ito and at Casa Kinderen at Teatro Munganga.
Laura Lotti produced together with Manuela Lucia Tessi a theatre piece called “Sirena” (release in 2017 at Teatro Munganga). In Sirena dance and harp music are combined and both are influenced by the magic of the sea. The show has been created for young children.
Laura Lotti participates in a “Kamishibai workshop” created by Ayumi Matsuda and Yvonne Rietbergen. The Kamishibai storytelling has been a tradition in Japanese culture for ages. In this workshop you can hear a traditional Japanese story about a Crane combined with Japanese music played on recorders and harp.